Software Release Manager: Highly Meticulous Job

This entry is part 12 of 12 in the series Tech Company Casestudy

The project OVES is expected to have significant code base. It may run into 2 million lines of source code. The code developed fresh for OVES would be a fraction of this. However lot of reuse was expected from existing products. Video Editor and Tools have existed for several years. Several releases have happened in … Read moreSoftware Release Manager: Highly Meticulous Job

Lead Architect: Clarity of Technical Roles (Or Lack of It)

This entry is part 11 of 12 in the series Tech Company Casestudy

The Lead Architect in this company is a rather new role. The person who is playing the role had made valuable contributions in the past in some of the products. He is very good in technology and also has deep understanding of the products. He is well networked with technical community. In the past he … Read moreLead Architect: Clarity of Technical Roles (Or Lack of It)